Join A Community Solar Farm!

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Enrollment Bonus

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Community Solar Farms are state-supported clean energy programs
that you can join for Free to lower your carbon emissions,
support and accelerate the transition clean, green energy,
and receive guaranteed savings with credits on your electricity bill.

Your utility company can’t put this discount on your bill
unless you join through a state Authorized Clean Energy Administrator,
like Common Energy.

Watch the video below to learn more.

You'll pay less for your electricity and help lower emissions
by joining a free Common Energy community solar project.

Why Not Lower Your Emissions, Lower Your Bill Today?
It's Free! There's No Long Term Contracts and Nothing To Install.
You Just Need To Qualify and You Probably Do.

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Join a Common Energy Community Solar Project Today!


Estimate Your Monthly
Environmental Impact and Savings

With Common Energy you will receive clean energy credits that lower your bill.

How much do you spend each month on your electricity?*

Clean energy
you enable
Carbon emissions you prevent
Equivalent trees planted
Estimated monthly savings*
Your New Electricity Bill
Original bill
New total

* Savings based on average rates across the U.S.
Actual savings will vary based on your location and electricity usage.

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Common Energy in the Press

"Common Energy, a leading community solar provider, today announced collaborations with Microsoft, LinkedIn, Corning, Akamai Technologies, and VMware to bring a new sustainability benefit to each companies’ employees."

"Under the community solar model, utility customers essentially buy into a solar farm paid through their existing utility bill." ..."Common Energy's existing solar farms allow anyone who pays an electricity bill to save money and make a positive environmental impact in minutes."

"Saratoga Springs Housing Authority is partnering with community solar provider Common Energy to increase the use of clean energy and fund energy efficiency investments in the Spa City."

“We are pleased to be part of this important project that brings real economic and environmental benefits to the entire community,” said Common Energy’s Founder and CEO, Richard Keiser. “Affordable clean energy has never been easier to access, and we are proud to enable residents and businesses across the region this opportunity to save money and lower carbon emissions.”

"Electricity generated at the Sugar Hill Solar Farm will be supplied to customers anywhere in National Grid’s existing distribution system."

"The United Way of the Southern Tier announced a partnership with Common Energy to bring lower costing clean energy to communities in the Southern Tier. Through the partnership, New York State residents can sign up for [a] discount on their electricity rate for up to 20 years at no cost. The United Way and Common Energy says this will also lead to lower emissions in the community."

What is Community Solar?

Community solar is a state program that enables qualifying homeowners, renters and small businesses to support a clean energy project and receive savings every month on their electricity bill.


Here's how it works:

Sun and Community Solar Farm Graphic

1Energy from the sun is converted into clean electricity by your community solar farm.

Utility and Clouds graphic

2This clean electricity is connected to your utility company, replacing fossil fuels and lowering emissions.

Home and Clouds graphic

3Electricity flows as normal from your utility through the broader electrical grid to your home.

CO2 Prevented
Trees Planted

4You receive savings on your electricity bill every month!

Click Here to Learn More About Community Solar

Join in Three Steps

Check Availability

Enter your zip code and select your utility company to see if there is a clean energy project servicing your area.

Check Availability

Create a Common Energy Account

You can log into your Common Energy account at anytime to see your positive environmental impact.

Connect Your Utility

Connect your utility account
to a new clean energy project.

It may take a few billing cycles before everything is setup with your utility company, but once you're connected you will start seeing Common Energy Solar Credits on your electric bill.

CO2 Prevented
Trees Planted

Enjoy the Savings & Take Pride in Your Positive Impact!

Once you are connected to a project, each month you will receive guaranteed Common Energy Solar Credits on your electric bill.

Your connection to the grid will be exactly the same, you will just pay less while supporting solar power!

Check Availability

Why not take a few minutes right now to check availability
and see if you're eligible to start saving?

If there's an available solar farm servicing your utility company,
you could start saving the environment and money every month!

Check Availability For Your Home or Business Now

To check availability, you just need to enter your zip code and utility company
and Common Energy will determine if there's a clean energy solar array available for you to join.

To join you just need to connect your utility account to Common Energy.

* Special *
Enrollment Bonus

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