Frequently Asked Questions about Common Energy and Community Solar

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Below are the answers to the most common questions we get about Common Energy and Community Solar. If you don't find your answer here, please send a message through the Contact Us form or you can call me, Steve Wickham, your dedicated Common Energy consultant at 518-250-9729 .

If you need immediate assistance, you can also call Common Energy directly at (844) 899-9763 and tell them Steve Wickham with Constutlant ID "Wickwood" sent you.

Why choose Common Energy?

Common Energy enables you to lock in savings on your utility bill and lower your carbon emissions. Best of all, you can sign up for free in a matter of minutes.

How much will I save?

Common Energy guarantees you'll save on your electricity bill between 5 and 25% depending on your location. In some states up to 25% savings is available for those qualify by income.  See the savings estimator on the home page to estimate how much you can save. For most households, this equates to $10-$15 of savings each month.

What is my environmental impact with Common Energy?

Most subscribers prevent between 6,000-15,000 pounds of carbon emissions each year, depending on thier utility and electricity usage. Over the lifetime of a project this equates to preventing 120,000-300,000 pounds of carbon emissions and is a direct reduction of your emissions and pollution.

How does Common Energy source its clean energy?

Common Energy partners with solar project developers to activate clean energy projects and connect this clean energy to the electrical grid.

Is the energy really clean?
Am I actually supporting new clean energy?

Yes! This electricity is sourced directly from community solar farms. Unlike many companies who advertise “clean” energy and then buy renewable energy credits (RECs) on your behalf, Common Energy enables new clean energy projects to reach the grid through “additionality”.    The EPA Guide to Purchasing Green Power defines "additionality" as a test used only for project offsets that result in direct emissions accounting and not for RECs or green power purchases.

How does the program work?

Simple.  Many U.S. states are encouraging more clean energy to be connected to the grid. To encourage people to sign-up, each subscriber receives energy credits on their existing utility account. These credits lower your energy cost each month.

Why not take a few minutes right now to check availability
and see if you're eligible to start saving?

If there's an available solar farm servicing your utility company,
you could start saving the environment and money every month!

Check Availability For Your Home or Business Now

To check availability, you just need to enter your zip code and utility company
and Common Energy will determine if there's a clean energy solar array available for you to join.

To join you just need to connect your utility account to Common Energy.

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