What is Community Solar?

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Enrollment Bonus

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Instead of installing solar panels on your roof, you can now benefit from clean energy by subscribing to a community solar projects.

Save Money Each Month
You receive energy credits on your statement every month, lowering your energy cost.
Use Clean Energy
Experience the pride and satisfaction of knowing your home enables more clean energy to reach the grid.
Protect Your Community
Prevent thousands of pounds of pollution in your community and state.
Free, easy signup
Connect your utility account to clean energy to start saving and preventing carbon emissions in minutes!

Why not take a few minutes right now to check availability
and see if you're eligible to start saving?

If there's an available solar farm servicing your utility company,
you could start saving the environment and money every month!

Check Availability For Your Home or Business Now

To check availability, you just need to enter your zip code and utility company
and Common Energy will determine if there's a clean energy solar array available for you to join.

To join you just need to connect your utility account to Common Energy.

* Special *
Enrollment Bonus

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