Frequently Asked Questions about Common Energy and Community Solar

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Below are the answers to the most common questions we get about Common Energy and Community Solar. If you don't find your answer here, please send a message through the Contact Us form or you can call me, Steve Wickham, your dedicated Common Energy consultant at 518-250-9729 .

If you need immediate assistance, you can also call Common Energy directly at (844) 899-9763 and tell them Steve Wickham with Constutlant ID "Wickwood" sent you.

What happens after I sign up?

Once you sign up we notify your electric utility that you would like to receive clean energy from a solar project. Once your account is connected to a project, you will receive clean energy credits on your electricity bill each month, lowering your energy cost. At the end of each month, Common Energy will send you a Statement of Savings, showing your original energy cost, your savings with the program, your new, lower invoice, and your environmental impact.  Where available Common Energy will send you one unified Statement of Savings integrated with your original utility bill.

How long does the connection process take?

Getting connected to a clean energy project typically takes between 4 and 8 weeks, depending on your utility. If you sign up in the winter, you may need to wait until the spring until a new project is built and connected.  If you are put on waiting list for a project it may take several months, but you will be one the first added when a new project comes online for your utility company.

Why does Common Energy need my bank account information?

As of May 26, 2022, if you live in New York and your utility company is National Grid, Common Energy does not need your bank account information. You will simply get Common Energy Solar Credits directly applied to your National Grid bill and pay your National Grid bill as you do now.

But in other states and with other utility companies, your utility company will report directly to Common Energy your meter readings and then you will be purchasing credits from your assigned solar project at discount from Common Energy.  You will then receive a new, lower invoice from Common Energy showing the original amount and your savings. Common Energy will then automatically withdraw this amount from you, pay your utility on your behalf and you pocket the savings!


What happens if I move?

If you are planning to move, please let us know by emailing us at If your new home is located within the same utility area, your Common Energy agreement and savings will simply move with you, just give us the new utility number. If your new address is outside an area we serve, please provide us with 90 days notice and you can cancel with no cost.

Does Common Energy have a referral program?

Yes!  We love getting help signing up friends, family, neighbors and even those you haven't met yet for lower cost clean electricity. We have a two different ways you can earn by sharing solar:

  1. After you subscribe yourself, you can share Common Energy casually with the referral program available in your customer portal. 
  2. If you want to take things more seriously, you can Contact Us for more information about our free affiliate program. 


I have a few other questions, can we talk?


You can call me, Steve Wickham, your dedicated Common Energy consultant at 518-250-9729 or send me a message through the Contact Us form.

If you need immediate assistance, you can also call Common Energy directly at (844) 899‑9763 and tell them you are working with Steve Wickham, Consultant ID "Wickwood".

Why not take a few minutes right now to check availability
and see if you're eligible to start saving?

If there's an available solar farm servicing your utility company,
you could start saving the environment and money every month!

Check Availability For Your Home or Business Now

To check availability, you just need to enter your zip code and utility company
and Common Energy will determine if there's a clean energy solar array available for you to join.

To join you just need to connect your utility account to Common Energy.

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